
jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Te echo de menos mi amor/ I need you my love

Me siento vacía. Un silencio me recorre por dentro. Me da frío por donde me atraviesa haciendo que mi sangre se hele. Todo la alegría y los recuerdos que tuve ya son solo tristeza y nostalgia. Mi mirada está perdida al final del camino. Se podría volver de la muerte? Podría volver él, lo único que me cambió? El único que entró como un huracán y puso mi mundo patas arriba. El que me hizo desear sentirme amada. Y también, el sentimiento de ardor acompañado con sus caricias. Sus palabras ablandaban mi mal carácter. Y su rostro me hechizaba. Hasta tal punto que pensaba que él era un dios. Mi dios. Sus ojos profundos me miraban con tal osadía que me hacía sentir desnuda. Su cabello azabache sedoso. Y su cuerpo repleto de músculos, mi media naranja. Pero ahora se había ido. Y con él se había la mitad de mi alma.
Se acerca el momento. Y a cada minuto estoy más cerca de encontrarmelo. Pero que haré cuándo lo vea? Podré acabar con su vida como las demas? Todas esas dudas me rondan por la cabeza. Mi miedo ante su aparición me demuestra mi debilidad. Me entristece decepcionarlo. Él siempre creyó que era tan fuerte... y capaz de lo que me proponía. Me decía que nunca dudaría a matar a otro maldito vampiro. Pero se equivoca. No me atrevo a matar a el único hombre que había amado. Y ahora perdido en el mundo de las sombras. Mi dios, Dimitri.
Por eso se lo debo. Le debo no estar en este intermedio entra la vida y la muerte. E voy cumplir mi promesa aunque eso signifique quemi propia muerte.
Porque se lo debo. Y el momento se acerca.


I feel empty. A silence crosses me within. It gives me cold where it crosses me doing that my blood freeze. Quite the happiness and the memories that I had already are alone sadness and nostalgia. My look is lost at the end of the way. Might it return of the death? Might it turn he, the only thing that changed me? The only one that entered as a hurricane and put my world topsy-turvy. The one that did me want to feel loved. And also, the feeling of ferver  on his caresses. His words were softening my evil character. And his face was bewitching me. Up to such a point that I was thinking that he was a god. My god. His deep eyes were looking at me with such an audacity that it was making me feel he undress. His hair silky jet. And his body replete with muscles, my orange average. But now it had gone away. And with him there was the half of my soul. The moment approaches. And every minute I am more near to meet him. But what I will do when I see him? Will I be able to finish with his life as the demas? All these doubts were courting in my  head. My fear before his appearance afirm me my weakness. I was growing sad to disappoint it. He always believed that it was so strong ... and capable of what I were proposing. He was saying to myself that I would never doubt to killing another damned vampire. But he was wrong. I was not daring to kill the only man who I had loved. And now lost in the world of the shades. My god, Dimitri. Because of it one owed it. It did not have to him to be in this interval in the middle of life and death. And it was going to fulfill my promise though it would mean that my depression will increase and it will might originate my own death. Because I owed him. And the moment was approaching.

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